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The Best D&I Practises 2020 – Winning Best Practices Handbook 1

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The Best Diversity and Inclusion Practices of Asia Study 2020 was an inquiry on the progress organizations had made to move beyond regulatory compulsions and tokenism, to celebrate the true splendour of diversity, equity, and inclusion – to reverse build microcosms of a just society by truly striving to become equal opportunity employers.

The many winning best practices contained in this handbook bear testimony to how distinctive cultures of innovation and performance unfold when true compassion meets human endeavour! Heartiest congratulations to all the companies who participated in the study – even if their practices may not be featured here. You are undoubtedly winners and we are proud of your good work.

Thank you all who are present today at the Best D&I Practices of Asia Seminar and Awards – 2, December 2020. Thank you for your presence, for your curiosity to learn and your willingness to get inspired.

There’s so much, so much to do… Let’s shape the world!

Dr. Sujaya Banerjee
Founder- The Learning and OD Roundtable
Founder- The Women Leadership Forum of Asia

India Inc yet to walk the talk on Gender Diversity

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